You can find detailed information about the Law Library's print and electronic materials by using Pegasus, our online catalog. You can search in Pegasus directly via the search box below:
Once you've located the record for the material you wish to check out, use the Location (e.g., Cellar, 4th Floor, Core Collection) and Call Number (e.g., KF283 .F57 1999) to locate the material on our shelves. For materials available electronically, click on the Available Online link to get to the resource. (Note: During the Law Library Renovation, log in to Pegasus to see the link to Request Pickup of books, or where that's not available, email the Reference Desk to make the request.)
If you run into any trouble finding or accessing a Law Library material, please reach out to the Reference Desk at
You can find detailed information about materials held by other Columbia University Libraries by using CLIO, CUL's online catalog. Although CLIO contains most records for Law Library resources, it does not have everything. If you are looking for legal resources, you should always check Pegasus if you cannot locate the material on CLIO. You can search CLIO directly via the search box below:
Depending on the location of the material, you may see Pick Up and Scan links on the right-hand sidebar of the item's record page. Clicking on these links will allow you to request these options directly.
If you are unable to locate your book at a Columbia library, try Borrow Direct. Borrow Direct enables current students to request material from partner libraries within the Borrow Direct consortium. If this is your first time using Borrow Direct, you may be directed to select a campus. Be sure to select Columbia (Morningside) as your campus to ensure timely delivery.
If your searches on Pegasus, CLIO, and Borrow Direct are unsuccessful, ask for help from a reference librarian ( The reference librarian may be able to place an inter-library loan (ILL) request on your behalf. If the material you are requesting is part of source-gathering work for a journal, please provide all information you have on the source, including any page numbers and the original citation you are working from.