Written by Aslihan Bulut.
This guide is intended to help you start researching Islamic Law. The selective list of resources is only a sampling of what is available on this topic. Please refer to the additional sources listed throughout the guide for more in-depth coverage of the topic. Islamic law is a reference to primary and secondary sources of law and the methodology used to apply law. Islamic law originates in two major sources, namely divine revelation (wahy) and human reason (aql). This dual identity of Islamic law is reflected in Shariah and fiqh.[1] The former make up the primary sources discussed in part II and the latter is the human understanding and knowledge derived from the primary sources discussed in part III.
1. Kamali, M.H. Characteristic features of Shari’ah. An Introduction to Shari’ah. Kuala Lumpur: Ilmiah Publishers, 2006.