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A Selective List of Guides to Foreign Legal Research


Sial, Omar. Globalex. Islamic Republic of Afghanistan Legal System and Research. October 2010.


Mozina, Engjellushe Kozeli. Globalex. A Guide to Researching the Albanian Legal System. May 2013.


Ramette, Vincent. Globalex. Algerian Legal Research. February 2013.


Rainha, Paula. Globalex. Republic of Angola - Legal System and Research. September/October 2007.


Hoyos, Gloria Orrego, Gisela Monge Roffarello, Emilse Monge Roffarello, Ezequiel Trajtenberg and Juilo O. Trajtenberg. Globalex. A Research Guide to the Argentine Legal System. November/December 2011.

Kozameh, Ernesto Nicolás, Julio Trajtenberg, Nicolás Kozameh Jr., and Ezequiel Trajtenberg. LLRX. Guide to the Argentine Executive, Legislative and Judicial System . July 15, 2001.

Read, Katherine. IALS. Library Research Guide: Argentina. April 2011.


Arakelyan, Sergey and Anna Margaryan. Globalex. A Legal Research Guide to Armenia. June 2010.


Banks, Cate. Law on the Internet. 2nd Ed. Leichhardt, N.S.W.: Federation Press, 2000. Cellar Rm B-8, KU33 .B36 2002

Deakin University. Researching Australian law. Sydney: LBC Information Services, 1997. Cellar Rm B-8, KU47 .R47 1997

Griffiths, Laura. IALS. Library Research Guide: Australia. August 2011.

Kinder, Petal. Globalex. A Guide to Online Research Resources for the Australian Federal Legal System with some Reference to the State Level. November/December 2010.

Library of Congress. Legal Research Guide: Australia.

Pengelley, Nicholas and Sue Milne. LLRX. Researching Australian Law. March 2009.

Research One. A Short Guide to Australian Legal Research. April 2005.

Watt, Robert and Francis Johns. Concise Legal Research, 6th ed. Sydney: Federation Press, 2009. Reference, KU47 .W37 2009


Oehlboeck, Johannes and Immanuel Gerstner. Globalex. The Austrian Legal System and Laws: A Brief Overview. October 2012.

Staudegger, Elisabeth. Recht online gratis: RIS/EUR-Lex: unentgeltliche juristische Datenbanken im Internet. Wien: Springer, 2003.
Cellar, Comp 077 St29 2003.


Gudrat, Fakhri Akperov. LLRX.A Guide to the Republic of Azerbaijan Law Research . January 15, 2002.

Iskandarli, Ramil. Globalex. A Guide to the Republic of Azerbaijan Law Research. April 2012.