The European Commission is the primary generator of new legislation in the EU. The Commission proposes new legislation and launches new policy initiatives. The Commission also serves as the executive of the EU and enters into international agreements on behalf of the EU. In addition, the Commission is the guardian of EU policy and can initiate legal proceedings to ensure compliance with EU policy and legislation.
The commission currently consists of 27 Commissioners, one from each Member State, who form the Commission's political leadership during a 5-year term. One of these 27 members acts as the President. Each commissioner has a separate portfolio - an area of policy concern. The current Commissioner's groups are: European Green Deal, Promoting our European Way of Life, A Europe Fit for the Digital Age, An Economy that Works for People, A new push for European Democracy, A Stronger Europe in the World.
The day-to-day running of Commission business is performed by it staff and organized into departments called Directorates-General (DGs), each responsible for a specific policy area.