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Human Rights Law Research Guide


Library Catalogs


  • CLIO covers several Columbia libraries, including the Law School library (Diamond Law Library), the main university library (Butler Library), the East Asian library (Starr Library), and the School of International and Public Affairs (SIPA) library (Lehman Library). It also covers the ReCAP off-site storage facility shared by Columbia, Harvard, Princeton, and the New York Public Library.
  • Research guide from the Columbia University Libraries:
  • Special collections in the Columbia University Libraries:


Journal Articles

Full-Text Journal Article Database

Periodical Indexes

Periodical indexes can help you broaden the scope of your search beyond what is covered in Westlaw, Lexis, and HeinOnline Law Journal Library. Indexes cover more journals, over a more extended period of time. Indexes also provide more sophisticated search functions, such as searching by subject, country of publication, and language. For international human rights law research, the Index to Foreign Legal Periodicals may be especially helpful because it covers hundreds of journals published worldwide in multiple languages.