Columbia affiliates can contact the Law Library's Reference Desk at for assistance accessing and using our databases.
Here's a list of databases available off-campus
Paste a direct link to an article in one of our databases into the box below to add the Law Library's proxy server information to it.
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Columbia Law School affiliates only may access the database.
Current Columbia University affiliates may access the database.
The database is accessible from off-campus (or home). Use your UNI and UNI password when prompted for login.
The resource requires special access assistance from the Law Library Reference Desk.
There are special instructions or conditions. Read the text in italics in the database description for more information.
Our subscription is limited to 1 user at a time.
An individual login is required to access the resource.
There is a known scheduled maintenance period for the database, during which it may be unavailable.
The database is currently unavailable or out of service. We will do our best to work with the vendor to restore service as soon as possible.